Change is good.

Y’all, y’all.... I’ve began and quit many things in my life; Lisa Frank club, band, gyms, smoking (holla!!), diets, training to run a half marathon, wearing a T-shirt and shorts over my swimsuit to swim.... Athleticism and speed were not a part of my chemistry. Nah. You see, instead, I was the girl in middle... Continue Reading →

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Truth or Dare?

👉🏼Truth. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror? Yes, I have. Better yet, I still do. The things I’ve said to myself in the past were less than heart warming. I had hateful things to say to the reflection that stared back. There were many times my self talks started like; 👎🏼‘I’m not... Continue Reading →

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Someone. Someday.

You know a few years back someone told me that change wasn’t going to come unless I changed. They told me that if I wasn’t committed to making a difference, I would stay the same, my situation wasn’t going to change & I would continue to feel sorry for myself. That same someone told me... Continue Reading →

Embrace the chaos.

"Embracing the chaos might be the journey we need to take to finding peace." -Rachel HollisSome days my level of crazy far exceeds the limits of my reach. My anxiety levels explode & words spew from my mouth that I can’t even keep track of. I struggle to rein in my racing thoughts, slow my... Continue Reading →

Consistent behavior becomes habit.

What in the world was I thinking when I joined this group of women who showed up everyday and workout from their home and drank these shakes? I must have had a lapse in judgement because there was no way I could consistently show up everyday. Nope. And drink ‘protein’ shakes? No, I’ll starve, I... Continue Reading →

Other Half Supports

We were just two kids that didn’t have a clue what love really was. Still in high school, I said yes when asked by a friend if I would go on a blind date with a boy named Scott. I couldn’t shake him after that. No really, I couldn’t shake him meaning he wouldn’t go... Continue Reading →


I’ve been in this place before and I know that I will be okay. No, not the bathtub. This anxiety ridden, depressed state. Truth- I’ve suffered most all my life with anxiety and depression. It runs deep within our family lines. It worsens when my husband is out of town. I can recognize this and... Continue Reading →

Patience and Persistence

By a show of hands, how many of you are completely patient 100% of the time? I’m not speaking only patience in dreadful traffic or with your toddler that is crying because they’re macaroni is on the wrong side of the plate. Those situations take an extra amount of patience. But patience overall? How patient... Continue Reading →

Smile at the bullshit.

Sometimes I'm corny. Here's a good example of that. Bet you didn't already know that there are hitches in life that can slow you down and cause you to lose your way. You will go through mounds of manure that squishes between your toes (literal bull dung that presents itself for a number of reasons... Continue Reading →

Ah, come on.

Woooooo weeee momma.... it’s been a week. Saturday is here and I celebrated by sleeping in (6:45 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s the best I can do). I’m going to be dead honest with y’all. I haven’t been in my best week, but I have managed to survive. This week has absolutely kicked my rear. It’s been a... Continue Reading →

Just Say Yes

A wise dear friend once told me to say yes when your kids ask for you to play with them; They’ll one day stop asking. Even at the end of the most exhausting day, say yes. Even if you are full of vinegar and the scowl lines on your face could get no deeper, say... Continue Reading →

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